Anatomic Radial Head Solutions

Acumedin Anatomic Radial Head järjestelmä sisältää ensimmäisen anatomisesti muotoillun radiuksen pään proteesin markkinoilla. Instrumentaatio kattaa välineet potilaan anatomian palauttamiseksi radiuksen pään resektio-arthroplastiassa. Standard-stemmejä käyttäessä maksimi resektio on 17mm ja pitkillä varsilla 28 mm. Järjestelmän tavoitteena on ollut tarjota proteesi, jonka avulla voidaan palauttaa radiuksen kaulan geometria, palauttaa capitellumin ja radiuksen loven ryhmittyminen, saavuttaa jämäkkä fiksaatio varren ja radiuksen ydinontelon välille, tarjota helppo tapa implantoida, tarjota modulaarinen proteesi kohtaamaan eri potilasvariaatiot sekä tarjota instrumentaatio joka mahdollistaa tarkan ja helposti toistettavan implanttikoon valinnan. Proteesissa on käytössä hyväksi todetut vakiintuneet materiaalit. Nuppi on valmistettu kromikobaltista ja varsi on karhennettua titaania.

Tutustu myös artikkeliin Caput radii murtuma (värttinäluun yläosan murtuma): Konservatiivinen vai operatiivinen hoito?

Laaja valikoima

Järjestelmä tarjoaa 240 nuppi ja varsi kombinaatiota, sisältäen viisi vasemman- ja oikean puolen nuppivaihtoehtoa, 5 standardi stem paksuutta neljällä eri kauluksen korkeudella, sekä 4 long-stem vaihtoehtoa. Nämä tarjoavat kirurgille useita implantti vaihtoehtoja joilla voi ottaa huomioon potilaskohtaiset variaatiot anatomisen nupin ja kaulan muodossa.


Järjestelmään on päivitetty uudet riimerit jotka poistavat hohkaluuta ydinonteloa riimatessa ja helpottaa varren jämäkkää tarttumista ydinonteloon. Varsi on mahdollista myös sementöidä tarvittaessa.

Anatominen nuppi

Proteesissa on ellipsin muotoinen nuppi, jossa on 1mm lateraalista kohoumaa keskilinjasta, sekä 2mm syvennys. Sama ominaisuus on kaikissa nuppikoissa 20-28 mm. Proteesi nupit vaihtelevat 2mm välein, ja ne ovat puolispesifejä. Nupin materiaalina on kromi-kobolt. Proteesissa on harmaalla merkattu lasermerkki helpottamaan optimaalista asennusta potilaaseen. Proteesissa on 4° kallistuma sekä Anterior/Posterior- että Medial/lateral tasossa.


Normaalien varsien paksuudet ovat 6-10 mm 1 mm välein. Kaulus korkeuksia 0, +2, +4 sekä +8mm. Pitkiä varsia on 6, 8, 10 ja 12mm. Varsissa on harmaalla merkattu lasermerkki helpottamaan optimaalista asennusta potilaaseen. Varren materiaalina on karhennettu titaani.



Anatomic Radial Head Solutions
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The biomechanical effect of prosthetic design on radiocapitellar stability in a terrible triad model

Cholawish Chanlalit, Dave R Shukla, James S Fitzsimmons, Kai-Nan An, Shawn W O’Driscoll
J Orthop Trauma . 2012 Sep;26(9):539-44.
Alkuperäiseen PubMed-artikkeliin

The integrity of elbow soft tissues affects radiocapitellar joint stability in the presence of bipolar radial head (RH) prostheses. This study examined the effect on radiocapitellar stability of monopolar designs versus bipolar RH prostheses in an elbow model with a surgically controlled terrible triad injury.
In each of 8 fresh-frozen elbow specimens (4 male and 4 female), a terrible triad fracture dislocation was created through soft tissue releases, coronoid fracture, and RH resection. Radiocapitellar stability was recorded under the following 3 sets of conditions: (1) surgical control (native RH), (2) RH replacement (circular monopolar or bipolar), (3) replacement with alternate circular RH not used in condition 2, and (4) replacement with the anatomic RH.
The type of RH used significantly impacted the mean peak force required to resist posterior subluxation (p = 0.0001). The mean peak subluxation force of the bipolar prosthesis (1 ± 1 N) was significantly less than both the anatomic (16 ± 1 N) and nonanatomic circular (12 ± 1 N) implants (p = 0.0002). The peak subluxation force of the native RH (18 ± 2 N) was not different than the anatomic implant (p = 0.09) but was greater than the nonanatomic circular design (p = 0.0006).
Monopolar RHs confer greater radiocapitellar stability than bipolar implants in the setting of terrible triad injuries. Of the 2 monopolar designs tested, the anatomic design provided more stability than the non-anatomic RH prosthesis.

Radiocapitellar contact characteristics during prosthetic radial head subluxation

Dipit Sahu, James S Fitzsimmons, Andrew R Thoreson, Kai-Nan An, Shawn W O’Driscoll
J Shoulder Elbow Surg . 2017 Jan;26(1):170-177. Epub 2016 Oct 7.
Alkuperäiseen PubMed-artikkeliin

Metallic radial head prostheses are often used in the management of comminuted radial head fractures and elbow instability. We hypothesized that during radiocapitellar subluxation, the contact pressure characteristics of an anatomic radial head prosthesis will more closely mimic those of the native radial head compared with a monopolar circular or a bipolar circular radial head design.
With use of 6 fresh frozen cadaver elbows, mean radiocapitellar contact pressures, contact areas, and peak pressures of the native radial head were assessed at 0, 2, 4, and 6 mm of posterior subluxation. These assessments were repeated after the native radial head was replaced with anatomic, monopolar circular and bipolar circular prostheses.
The joint contact pressures increased with the native and the prosthetic radial head subluxation. The mean contact pressures for the native radial head and anatomic prosthesis increased progressively and significantly from 0 to 6 mm of subluxation (native, 0.6 ± 0.0 MPa to 1.9 ± 0.2 MPa; anatomic, 0.7 ± 0.0 MPa to 2.1 ± 0.3 MPa; P < .0001). The contact pressures with the monopolar and bipolar prostheses were significantly higher at baseline and did not change significantly further with subluxation (monopolar, 2.0 ± 0.1 MPa to 2.2 ± 0.2 MPa [P = .31]; bipolar, 1.7 ± 0.1 MPa to 1.9 ± 0.1 MPa [P = .12]). The pattern of increase in contact pressures with the anatomic prosthesis mimicked that of the native radial head. Conversely, the circular prostheses started out with higher contact pressures that stayed elevated.
The articular surface design of a radial head prosthesis is an important determinant of joint contact pressures.

Radiocapitellar stability: the effect of soft tissue integrity on bipolar versus monopolar radial head prostheses

Cholawish Chanlalit, Dave R Shukla, James S Fitzsimmons, Andrew R Thoreson, Kai-Nan An, Shawn W O’Driscoll
Comparative Study J Shoulder Elbow Surg . 2011 Mar;20(2):219-25.
Alkuperäiseen PubMed-artikkeliin

Radiocapitellar stability depends, in part, on concavity-compression mechanics. This study was conducted to examine the effects of the soft tissues on radiocapitellar stability with radial head prostheses.
Monopolar radial head implants are more effective in stabilizing the radiocapitellar joint than bipolar radial head prostheses, with the soft tissues intact or repaired.
Twelve fresh frozen elbow specimens were used to evaluate radiocapitellar stability with monopolar and bipolar radial heads. The study variables focused on varying soft tissue conditions and examined the mean peak subluxation forces put forth by each prosthesis design.
With the soft tissues intact, the mean peak force resisting posterior subluxation depended significantly on the radial head used (P = .03). Peak force was greatest for the native radial head (32 ± 7 N) and least with the bipolar prosthesis (12 ± 3 N), with the monopolar prosthesis falling in between (21 ± 4 N). The presence of soft tissues significantly affected the bipolar implant’s ability to resist subluxation, though it did not significantly impact the native or monopolar radial heads.
This study reveals the dependence of radiocapitellar stability on soft tissue integrity, particularly for bipolar prostheses. Overall, monopolar prostheses have a better capacity to resist radiocapitellar subluxation.
From a biomechanical perspective, the enhancement of elbow stability with a monopolar radial head prosthesis is superior to that with a bipolar design. This is especially true when the integrity of the soft tissues has been compromised, such as in trauma.

Radiocapitellar joint stability with bipolar versus monopolar radial head prostheses

Jun-Gyu Moon, Lawrence J Berglund, Domire Zachary, Kai-Nan An, Shawn W O’Driscoll
Comparative Study J Shoulder Elbow Surg . Sep-Oct 2009;18(5):779-84. Epub 2009 May 7.
Alkuperäiseen PubMed-artikkeliin

Bipolar and monopolar designs are both available for replacement of the radial head. Few data exist comparing the biomechanical characteristics of these 2 quite different prostheses. This study evaluated the relative contribution to radiocapitellar stability by concavity compression with these 2 types of radial head prostheses.
The study used 12 fresh frozen elbow cadavers. The capitellum of the distal humerus and 3 different conditions of radial head (native, monopolar and bipolar) were tested for radiocapitellar joint stability.
The monopolar metallic head and the native radial head behaved similarly regarding resistance to subluxation. The bipolar head behaved in an entirely opposite manner than the native and monopolar head and actually acted to facilitate subluxation.
Mobility of radial head components, such as in the bipolar radial head, has a compromising effect on the concavity compression stability of the radiocapitellar joint. A monopolar implant is more effective in stabilizing the radiocapitellar joint than a bipolar radial head prosthesis.

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Radial Head Plate kolmen kappaleen murtumiin

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Acutwist kahden kappaleen murtumiin

Acutwist kompressioruuvi on suunniteltu luomaan kova kompressio murtumissa, fuusioissa ja osteotomioissa. Tuote on erityisen sopiva pienten luukappaleiden kiinnitykseen niin ylä- kuin alaraajassa.

Acutrak kahden kappaleen murtumiin

Acumedin Acutrak -ruuvien muotoilu sekä jatkuvasti muuttuva kierre takaavat, että kompressio muodostuu kontrolloidusti luukappaleiden välille ja kovenee jokaisella ruuvin kierroksella lisää. Kompressio on hallittu huolimatta siitä, missä kohtaa kappaleiden välinen liitos sijaitsee ruuviin nähden.

Acutrak 2 kahden kappaleen murtumiin

Uuden sukupolven Acutrak 2 ruuvit ovat itseporaavia, joten niiden käyttö on entistä helpompaa. Ruuvi on muotoilultaan ainutlaatuinen ja poikkeaa muista kompressioruuveista. Kartiomainen muotoilu, sekä jatkuvasti muuttuva kierre takaavat, että kova kompressio muodostuu kontrolloidusti luukappaleiden välille.